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Hispano News was founded in 1986 and is considered the pioneer Hispanic newspaper in the DFW area. It was originally designed as a twelve page tabloid publication with a circulation of 5,000 copies. In October 1987 its format changed to broadsheet, increasing its circulation to 15,000 copies. Currently, 29,000 copies are printed and audited by Certified Audit of Circulations (C.A.C.) Distribution is through direct mail. By August 1993 El Hispano News launched its HTMC (Hispanic Total MarketCoverage) program with monthly special editions of 75,000 copies distributeddoor to door according to census track information. The HTMC coveredeffectively 90% of the DFW ADI Hispanic Market.Currently the HTMC program takes place during the most important holidaysfor the Hispanic community.El Hispano News - Dallas is in the Dallas - Fort Worth, TX DMA. El Hispano News - Dallas offers ROP and insert advertising opportunities in its weekly circulation. Echo Media has direct relationships with over 7,500 newspapers providing tremendous local coverage.
Category: | Newspapers |
Delivery: | Racks |
Paid/Free: | Free |
Sunday: | 0 |
Daily: | 25,000 |
Frequency: | Unassigned |
Buy by: | DMA, State, National |
Name List Mailing: No | |
Broadcast Mailing: No |
Average Income: | $43,263 |
Average Age: | 30 |
Percent Female: | 48% |
Hispanic | |
Hispanic Newspapers |
Sunday: | No |
Monday: | No |
Tuesday: | No |
Wednesday: | No |
Thursday: | Yes |
Friday: | No |
Saturday: | No |
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