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Wine Spectator

Wine Spectator, published 16 times per year, illuminates and educates wine lovers and epicureans. It is renowned for in-depth wine tasting reports and Buying Guide, travel and fine dining features, chef's menus, personality profiles and thought-provoking editorial.Readers include epicureans, connoisseurs and collectors, business leaders and the influential affluent. In addition, the trade readership comprises the billion-dollar wine & spirit industry, consisting of importers, suppliers, owners, restauraunteurs and retailers.


Category:Consumer Magazines
Delivery:Mailed to Subscribers plus rack sales
Avg Circ:382,000
Frequency:16 X Year
Buy by:National
Name List Mailing:   Yes
Broadcast Mailing:   No


Average Income:$164,667
Average Age:50
Percent Female:43%
High Household Income