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Girls Life Magazine

Girls' Life Magazine is a magazine dedicated to the idea that girls are important, independent and opinionated people. This magazine publishes six times a year to over 400,000 readers, and is the only service magazine for young teen girls between the ages of 10-15. While it offers editorial on beauty, fashion and boys, it also goes beyond that formula to deliver a unique product that does not "talk down" to its teen readers. Opportunities exist for advertisers to reach this market through full and half page ads, as well as though pre-printed inserts.


Category:Consumer Magazines
Delivery:Mailed to Subscribers plus rack sales
Avg Circ:400,000
Frequency:6 X Year
Buy by:National
Name List Mailing:   Yes
Broadcast Mailing:   No


Average Income:$56,000
Average Age:12 - 17
Percent Female:99%
Teens / Schools, Women
Oversized Insert and Sample Channel