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Men's Fitness

Men's Fitness is the magazine for men who want a fit, healthy and active lifestyle. The magazine targets men whose interests include fitness, health, nutrition, sports, weight training, injury prevention and fashion and style. Men's Fitness subscribers are doers and achievers in all areas of life, from business to the playing field. The magazine is published 10 times a year with a circulation of over 600,000 and provides an excellent way for advertisers to reach young, affluent, active men.


Category:Consumer Magazines
Delivery:Mailed to Subscribers plus rack sales
Avg Circ:600,000
Frequency:10 X Year
Buy by:National
Name List Mailing:   Yes
Broadcast Mailing:   No


Average Income:$80,123
Average Age:38
Percent Male:87%
Active Lifestyles, Men
Sports Fans

DMA Coverage

Primary Market:Unknown