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Daily Racing Form

In 1894, as the excitement and allure of Thoroughbred racing spread across America, a daily newspaper was born. More than 100 years later, Daily Racing Form is still recognized the world over as "America's Turf Authority."

Now more than ever, Daily Racing Form readers are convinced they've got a newspaper they must read every day - a newspaper that sells more than 17 million copies annually, and is the strongest medium in its class. We're convinced we've got an audience you'll find well worth reaching.

With up to 25 different editions every day containing 2,000 unique pages of data and editorial copy, advertisers are able to run in all North American editions at once at substantial savings or can target their efforts regionally.


Delivery:Rack Sales / Newsstand
Avg Circ:45,000
Frequency:365 X Year
Buy by:DMA, National
Name List Mailing:   No
Broadcast Mailing:   No


Average Income:$61,900
Average Age:46
Percent Male:75%
Sports Fans

DMA Coverage

Primary Market:KY * Lexington