Latino Perspectives Magazine – Reaching Upwardly Mobile Arizona Hispanics 11/28/2006
Latino Perspectives Magazine is Arizona’s exciting new monthly addition to the media scene. It was created by Arizona Latinos for Arizona Latinos and those interested in learning their views, political inclinations, and links to Arizona life and lifestyle choices. This magazine offers insightful, thought-provoking stories written by reporters with the journalistic credentials to be trusted and respected. It has already establishing itself as the publication of record for the acculturated Latino community.
Latino Perspectives Magazine celebrates the triumphs of its community, addresses the challenges, critiques the failures and serves as a forum where the community can gather to discuss the issues that confront the community and the choices they make.
Latino Perspectives Magazine also reaches a growing number of non-Latinos who are finding their lives increasingly integrated with the growth of the Arizona Latino community because of their own interest in politics, business, work, school, lifestyle, neighborhood or family. We have dubbed this market segment “Latino Adjacent” because it is interested in the pulse, trends and driving forces of the Latino community.
Latino Perspectives Magazine provides a unique and highly effective vehicle to reach the growing and lucrative buying power of the upscale Latino market. Advertisers are reaching the upwardly mobile, English-speaking Latino community and delivering a message with cultural sensitivity and impact to improve their effectiveness and recall.