Hispanics have a high representation in young people.
Hispanics in
Tampa represent the fastest growing, youngest and largest households with an average age of 29.
Median age for Hispanics vs. 35.9 for the overall population.
34.1 % of Hispanics in the Tampa market are younger than 18.
The 2005 Tampa market was the 5th fastest growing and 19th largest Hispanic market. In 2005, the Hispanic population totaled 350,000, which amounts to 31% of the Tampa DMA. Hispanic households average 3.1 persons vs. 2.2 persons per non-Hispanic households.
Hispanics have an average disposable income per household of approximately $56,431. Hispanic buying power has grown 35% since 2000 to $5.5billion in Tampa Bay.
If you are trying to reach Tampa’s growing Hispanic market, contact your Echo Media sales representative or search our Hispanic media site www.Echo-Latino.com and use the map to locate a list of all Hispanic media that cover the Tampa DMA.
Source: Demographics USA 2004, Premier Crossover Magazine