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Air France Magazine

Air France Magazine is one of Europe's leading in-flight publications, providing passengers with information, escapism and entertainment in a privileged and unique reading environment that guarantees high awareness and receptiveness.Looking for news, escapism, discovery and culture, the readers find a whole range of topics: from current affairs and the economy, to beautifully photographed and originally presented destinations, the latest cultural trends and interesting personality profiles. 85% of Air France passengers read Air France magazine. Air France is a bilingual magazine, written in both French and English. It is distributed on board all flights, all classes, all French boarding lounges, and Air France VIP worldwide lounges.


Category:Consumer Magazines
Delivery:Self Selection/ Take-ones
Avg Circ:386,310
Frequency:12 X Year
Buy by:National
Name List Mailing:   No
Broadcast Mailing:   No


Average Income:$95,000
Average Age:42
Percent Female:38%
In-Flight Magazines

State Coverage