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In Touch Weekly

In Touch Weekly is geared towards the trendsetters of the "IT" generation: those who want to stay connected with what's hot in the world of entertainment. This weekly entertainment magazine caters to those people on the go; packed full of timely news and articles, In-Touch is the authority on all that glitters in Hollywood - and beyond. Opportunities exist to advertise on-page in full and half page increments.


Category:Consumer Magazines
Delivery:Mailed to Subscribers plus rack sales
Avg Circ:525,000
Frequency:52 X Year
Buy by:National
Name List Mailing:   Yes
Broadcast Mailing:   No


Average Income:$82,181
Average Age:36
Percent Female:85%
Accepts Tobacco Adverts, Beauty and Glamour, Clothing-Oriented, Hollywood - Entertainment