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Magazine Ad URLs Increase Web Visits 08/25/2008
Advertisers are making the Internet a more important element in their marketing plans as they seek to drive consumers to their websites. As a result, web traffic and search results are increasingly regarded as measures of marketing success. A number of independent studies have documented the role that magazines play in affecting consumer online behavior. Now, new research from Affinity LLC’s VISTA Print Effectiveness Rating Service reconfirms that magazine ads with URLs are more likely to drive readers to advertiser websites overall, as well as across a range of genres. The research from VISTA reinforces earlier work. Marketing Evolution aggregated nine studies that had quantifiable data on web visits to examine how magazine ads contributed to building web traffic. Findings showed that when the URL was included in the magazine advertising creative, the percentage change in website visits tripled (from two to six points). Even if “drive-to-web” is not the goal of the advertising campaign, including a URL to boost web visits is a benefit most advertisers will appreciate. For more detailed information, including research data, please contact your Echo Media sales representative. Source: Magazine Publishers of America,; Affinity LLC’s VISTA Print Effectiveness Rating Service
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