Total Market Coverage (TMC) products are produced as a
newspaper’s method of reaching non-subscribers in their market. By running in both the newspaper and its TMC, an advertiser should effectively be able to reach 100% of the market. TMCs are weekly products that 8 out of 10 daily newspapers offer; and many are delivered via USPS, thus increasing the readership percentage of the product versus typical free publications. Newspaper TMCs run in direct competition with shared-mail
“wraps” in many major markets. This head-to-head rivalry often drives down rates in both. TMCs offer both on-page and insert advertising; and with their reach often being 50% or more of the market, they greatly increase advertisers’ available circulation. Total roll-out stands in the 75 million circulation region with some of the top TMC products being products of the
Los Angeles Times,
Sacramento Bee,
Chicago Tribune,
Minneapolis Star Tribune and
Dallas Morning News.