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Military history magazines have a loyal following in the affluent male demographic. These magazines isolate areas of interest very tightly with different historical time periods, and even types of battles.
Vietnam is the only magazine exclusively devoted to telling the full story behind the Vietnam War, with gripping, first-hand accounts and carefully researched articles by veterans of this controversial and divisive conflict.
Frequency: 6X
Paid Circulation: 32,500
From biographies to battle stories, eyewitness accounts to period photographs, travel guides to insightful book reviews, Civil War Times delivers the thrilling, living history of America’s greatest internal structure.
Frequency: 6X
Paid Circulation: 54,000
World War II magazine covers every aspect of history’s greatest modern conflict with vivid, authoritative writing by the world’s top historians. Each issue is strikingly designed and contains a lively mix of stories about soldiers, leaders, tactics and weapons, including detailed battle maps, riveting first-hand accounts and reviews of books, movies and video games.
Frequency: 6X year
Paid Circulation: 89,000
Wild West is the authoritative magazine covering the true history of the people, places, battles and events that lead to the taming of the Great American frontier, from its earliest Eastern beginnings to today’s American West. Feature stories, departments and picture essays examine subjects, including the familiar “Cowboys and Indians,” gunmen and lawmen, and other fascinating aspects of Western lore and culture that are so much a part of the American heritage. Wild West features shootists, scouts, soldiers, soiled doves, sodbusters, bronc busters, gunfighters, peacemakers, Rocky Mountain men, Plains buffalo hunters, prairie entrepreneurs, unconventional women and many others who made their distinctive mark on the West when it was truly Wild!
Frequency: 6X year
Paid Circulation: 48,500
Military History is the Nation’s oldest and most popular magazine devoted to the history of warfare from the ancient times to the late 20th century. Each issue contains incisive accounts from top writers and historians who take a fresh look at the commanders, campaigns, battles and weapons that made history. Authoritative yet engaging, it features action-packed accounts of equal interest to military scholars and armchair historians. Military History tells the timeless true tales of battlefield heroics, brilliant tactics and wily commands from ancient epic struggles through 20th century global campaigns-all vividly presented by top writers, artists and historians.
Frequency: 6X year
Paid Circulation: 65,000
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