Salute can be found wherever troops congregate…mess halls and galleys (dining facilities), barracks (dorms), and rec-centers. It’s the troopers “Bible” and it’s FREE!
Salute is published in 5”x7” digest format “by choice.” This handy size easily fits into the serviceman’s work uniform pocket, making Salute the most portable publication in the military market. The Salute reader does the bulk of his shopping at his post or base exchange. The Exchange System comprises AAFES (the Army and Air Force Exchange Service), NEXCOM (the Navy Exchange), and MCX (the Marine Corps Exchange). The Exchange System ranks among the largest retailers in the United States. In FY 2002, the Exchanges had sales of more than $10.1 billion. AAFES is the biggest military retailer, with annual sales of $7.95 billion.
The Magazine for Americas’ Military
- Only magazine covering the young military market
- Serving the active duty market since 1985
- 200,000 circulation per issue
- Unique distribution through mess-halls, barracks and rec-centers
- Unique “leisure time” editorial provides perfect environment for your advertising
Salute Covers the Young Military Market.