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In a special bonus distribution, the Summer 2011 issue of Hearing Health Magazine will be given to thousands of attendees at the AARP Convention, Life@50+ this fall in DRF gift bags.
Advertise in the Summer 2011 issue to reach this important demographic! There is a strong relationship between age and reported hearing loss. According to the NIDCD, 18% of American adults 45-64 years old, 30% of adults 65-74 years old, and 47% of adults 75 years old or older have a hearing impairment. The average age of the AARP attendees is 63.5.
Hearing Health Magazine is the ultimate consumer resource on hearing. It is the largest magazine on hearing loss. With a print run for the Summer 2011 issue close to 50,000 and with waiting room copies and the AARP bonus distribution, the Summer 2011 readership will be well over 220,000.
Here are some facts about Hearing Health readers:
In addition to regular consumer subscribers, Hearing Health is sent directly to:
The Winter 2011 issue debuted a brand new look and redesign. Each issue of Hearing Health will now have designated Pediatric and Seniors sections to reflect the growth in these two demographics. In addition, since so many readers use a hearing aid, Dr. Ross Cushing, Au.D., will be writing a piece in every issue on a topic related to hearing aids
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